
Installation should always be done by a qualified person. To meet building regulations your installer should have a HETAS certificate, so always ask your installer for confirmation of this certification.

You can install a stove yourself or use someone who does not have HETAS certification, however you will then need to get it signed off by the local authority before you start using it.

To find an installer in your area use the link below:

Whilst we can supply you with any accessories you need for your flue system we always recommend speaking with an installation engineer first. They will come to your property and take precise measurements. Online design tools are good to give an indication but are no substitute for a precise survey. After consulting with your installation engineer feel free to contact us at with your requirements and we will build a bespoke package of pipework and accessories to meet your needs.


Use the Opus Flue Design Service to give you a good indication of the flue type you need for your dwelling. We recommend this is verified by a HETAS installer before proceeding to purchase your flue and installation kit. 



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